Vision 2035 is a long-term strategic vision for the Republic of Djibouti. Its objective is to position the country as a hub for the regional and continental economy. It was developed in concert with Djiboutian youth, political parties, civil society, the private sector, and international development partners; and therefore reflects a set of economic, political, and social goals for all of society.

The implementation of the Djibouti 2035 vision will be achieved through the strategies that underlie each of the pillars identified.

These strategies were developed by bringing together the determined vision on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the uncertainties or strategic questions and the strategic orientations linked to possible developments in the country’s long-term development.

Peace and National Unity

Internally, in 2035 peace, unity and solidarity will be strengthened, lived and shared. As of now, the State will implement all actions to maintain and strengthen the institutional, even traditional, frameworks for conciliation, strengthening social cohesion and promoting national solidarity. The State and the people undertake to use all measures for the prevention and management of conflicts through the promotion of dialogue, the search for consensus and the establishment of a culture of peace. Equal before the law, Djiboutians will feel more united, more secure and better prepared to build their country in peace.

Joint initiatives, notably by IGAD member countries and the African Union, will pacify the space in the sub-region by then. In addition, the presence of several foreign military forces, notably the French, American and Japanese military bases, and the imminent installation of other foreign military bases, will ensure increased surveillance of terrorism and piracy, and enhanced security of the country. entry of the Red Sea, but also of the sub-region. The border conflict of Ras Douméira will have been definitively resolved.

On the horizon of a generation, a society of Djiboutians and Djiboutians deeply acquired with democratic values ​​will be a reality, strengthened by effective Institutions which respect the law and make it apply, and a legitimate leadership, asserted in the face of the challenges. . The exercise of power will be marked by trust between rulers and governed, because the government periodically reports on the management of state affairs, including the transparent use of public resources, and remains open to criticism from citizens.

A civil society formed with moral, civic values ​​and citizenship, aware of its obligations will participate fully in the definition of policies and decision-making. The media will help to improve good governance and good management of public affairs. The Djiboutians and Djiboutians will undertake to definitively establish by then the rule of law. This will require the mobilization of the entire population and considerable resources.

Diversified and competitive economy, driven by the private sector

The retrospective studies and the major trends identified indicate that weak growth and its uneven distribution constitute one of the major causes of the exacerbation of poverty in the last two decades.

Djibouti 2035 aims to significantly raise the average standard of living at a rate of growth in GDP per capita, of 10% per year. The search for strong, stable and sustainable growth constitutes an essential underpinning for the period. This requires the construction of an economic model based on the deepening of liberalism, on a greater enhancement of the capacities of the sectors creating national wealth, a greater role of the private sector as well as the diversification of sources of income and jobs. . In this context, all available factors of production will be valued to put the economy on a new growth plateau of 8 to 10% on average per year in real terms.

This rate of growth will be possible thanks to an increase in services linked to port activities enabled by the country’s strategic position on the main trade flows between East Africa and Asia, and supply of an important African hinterland, development of Transport, Commerce and Industry activities, and expansion of New Information and Communication Technologies; it will also be possible thanks to the exploitation of little or unexploited mineral resources, and to the new impetus which will be given to the development of the economic potential of the regions, of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock and Tourism, with strong knock-on effects on the economy as a whole and on employment.

This economic growth and development will be distributed equitably both at the level of the regions and of the different social strata, and taking gender into account; in this regard, effective instruments will be put in place to strengthen the role of women in the management of resources and production.

The development of science and technology has always favored economic and social changes and the progress of societies. Nowadays, developing countries, including those without natural resources or enormous financial resources, favor this path through a process of scientific and technological innovations.

Our country will have a National Scientific and Technological Center to stimulate creativity and the capacity for innovation and invention of national researchers because « there is only wealth in men » to consolidate the basis of development and accelerate progress. The creation of the mechanical industries, automation, shipyards, special economic zones and import-substitution units will be a reality by that time.

Finally, the achievement of these performances will be based on a clear vision and direction, asserted leadership and an effective, efficient and competitive public administration, endowed with excellent capacities of anticipation, piloting and management.

By 2035, the territory will be developed and managed in a balanced and sustainable way, through a judicious distribution of the population and economic activities. The economic conquest and the development of the regions will constitute an essential transformation and a major asset.

Rural development will be revitalized and reinforced, thereby increasing the incomes of populations and stabilizing them in their environment.

If no society has developed in a predominantly rural environment, urban growth will be controlled, and the population growth of the capital will be controlled through urban planning of its development. The population of Djibouti-ville and the regional capitals will represent less than 75% compared to the current situation.

Consolidation of Human Capital

Ensuring the well-being of Djiboutians is the goal of long-term development, taking the individual as both actor and beneficiary. It is well that the southern aspirations of the populations and visas are contribution of the appropriate appropriations to their needs in terms of health, education-training and jobs, housing and housing, leisure and living environment , etc.

The development of human capital through initial training, appropriation, specific improvement programs and the import of specialized international expertise, will be necessary, not only to achieve the vision but to create a pole of knowledge and skills, in particular scientist and technical, and national expertise.

Social progress and better living conditions are at the center of our country’s long-term development strategy. I promised that the Vision will achieve will have to be translated by a real wealth creation that will be used by all Djiboutians.

Progress relates in particular to the reduction of poverty, the improvement of health and social coverage indicators, the quality of education, the promotion of the status of women and young people, artistic and cultural creation and the improvement of housing conditions.

Between 1977 and 2010, there was rapid urbanization. The consequence of this phenomenon is the rapid development of precarious districts boosted by the rural exodus.

The government will implement a policy for the development of cities without shantytowns.

To do this, it will be a question of setting up actions which aim to contribute to the significant improvement of the living environment of Djiboutians by:

  • Promotion of economic housing and access to decent housing;
  • Sanitation of the built environment and its environment for clean cities.

Regional integration and international cooperation

Djibouti 2035 will further strengthen the opening of the country. The geostrategic position of the country places it first strongly in world trade and particularly in trade between Europe, Asia and the Middle East on the one hand, and on the other hand, the African continent, in particular the Horn of Africa, as the main commercial gateway to the Red Sea. Then, the liberal option of its economy favors and accentuates its openness to better take advantage of world trade and Foreign Direct Investments.

Today, world trade is growing rapidly and the construction of regional trading blocks is accelerating, a significant part of world trade is carried out in areas of regional integration. Djibouti 2035 aims to fully participate in steering mutations and building sub-regional groups, regional integration and globalization.

Whether IGAD, COMESA, the African Economic Union and the WTO, our country will be an active partner which participates in and benefits from the liberalization of trade, capital operations and a better allocation of the labor factor in order to boost its growth, factor productivity and competitiveness.

The development and strengthening of the Djibouti-Ethiopia axis will be the foundation for regional integration with a view to creating a single Djibouti-Ethiopia-South Sudan-Somali and Eritrea.

Below is the Vision 2035 report in 3 languages